Mabinogi (Story Time)

The mabinogi story from a gamers view

The Legend of Kendraken

It was a late day and a teenage boy decided to play this game his friends tolled him about it’s called Mabinogi. So he did it took a hour or so for it to download but the boy would soon find out it was worth it as he started to make his character. The character was a dark tan color with black emo-ish looking hair, His eye’s were as blue as the sky, and his race was human even though he could choose from elf and giant. As he started a goddess looking character name Nao came to him and asked him if he had any questions the boy said no just ready to get to the game-play so as he was getting started there were classes from fighter with fist to swords. The boy became more intrigued about the game how would he fight who would he fight how many people would he battle. So on toward the game he became Kendraken. “Whoa this is pretty cool.” Kendraken starts to look around and finds himself In a town square so there’s a thing on his “Quest log” and he follows the instructions learning how to attack and how to move like any other game. “Enough with the basics time for action” The first creature he fought was a fox easy enemy and he defeated wit with ease thinking highly of himself he continued to fight more and then got bored of fighting them when a bird appeared and dropped a note into his “Quest log” it said get to level 20. He was surprised and a little worried on how he was gonna do that with such weak enemy’s so he searched for bigger enemy’s until he got to Tara where he was lost so he went into a mansion and found out that he was gaining exp from the mansion so he sat and ranked. “This is too awesome” Kendraken was getting worried that he wouldn’t know what to do after the exp was done giving so he thought of a plan get a master. It was actually the hardest thing to do ever! “Agh why won’t anyone take me as there apprentice… Maybe i’m too weak!” Kendraken frowned and someone added him as a friend so he accepted and then the same person that added him joined the party he made. “Huh it say’s zombiemurder?” Kendraken was a little suspicious of the name and seen him from a far and walked over to him and asked “Hey you want to be my master?” The guy said ” Yea get over here and i’ll show you the ropes” and from there we must stop because I have homework -_-” so see you next time on Mabinogi story time.

The pictures story

A picture is worth 1000 words. This safe has been through a lot. Tell its story. Image credit: “safe” – © 2007 Paul Keller – made available under Attribution 2.0 Generic
The story of this picture. It was part of a really great bank in China. The workers and the customers there got bombed and the safe was secured for a special person. That person was a nice guy with a family lucklie he was not there when it happened but when he did come back he cryed. After his crying he look through the pile of rumble and found the safe and all his money was safe and in it was a note say “I don’t know if i’ll survive this but you need to know your my best customer” it was a young girl who wrote that she had a crush on teh man and never told him.

To Watch You Grow – Naruto Uzumaki

OMG too cool

Daily Anime Art

to_watch_you_grow_by_lanmeimeia-d651poeNaruto Uzumaki has grown from a little boy to such a powerful and amazing hero for most. Yes, If you’ve not realized, this is not an art but in fact cosplay. The cosplay in my eyes is just amazing and thus I believe that what she’s done is just fantastic. The effects on both Naruto as a child and when he has the Bijuu Mode is all fantastic!

The cosplay above is fantastic that I believe that you should definitely check out the artist, she’s lanmeimeia. She’s done a great job on creating the fantastic cosplay. She’s also got a ton of other cosplay which you should definitely check, so go click the link and follow her page.

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